Sec. 12. The commission may do the following:
(1) Collect and disseminate information relating to the water resource.
(2) Consult with and advise all users of the water resource as to availability of the water resource and the most practical method of water withdrawal, development, conservation, and use.
(3) Make the necessary investigations and inspections for proper administration of this chapter.
(4) Enter at reasonable times with proper notice upon any property other than a dwelling place for the purpose of inspecting and investigating significant water withdrawal facilities or enforcing this chapter.
(5) Establish, by rule, the criteria for the determination of minimum stream flows and minimum ground water levels.
(6) When necessary for the proper administration and enforcement of this chapter, require the metering or other reasonable measurement of water withdrawals from significant water withdrawal facilities and the reporting of the metering or measurement to the commission.
(7) Cooperate with other state and local agencies, other states and their state agencies, and agencies of the United States in water resource development, conservation, and use.
(8) Accept and administer money from any source to aid in carrying out this chapter.
(9) Exercise the additional authority necessary to carry out this chapter.
[Pre-1995 Recodification Citation: 13-2-6.1-4.]As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.18.