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* § 142. Application   for  a  certificate.  1.  An  applicant  for  a
certificate shall file with the chairman of the board an application, in
such form as the commission  may  prescribe,  containing  the  following
information and materials:

(a) a description of the site and a description of the facility to be built thereon, including available site information, including maps and description, present and proposed development, source and volume of water required for plant operation and cooling, and, as appropriate, geological, aesthetic, ecological, tsunami, seismic, biological, water supply, population and load center data;

(b) studies, identifying the author and date thereof, which have been made of the expected environmental impact and safety of the project, both during its construction and its operation, including a description of (i) the gaseous, liquid and solid wastes to be produced by the facility, including their source, anticipated volumes, composition and temperature, and such other attributes as the commission may specify, and the probable level of noise during construction and operation of the facility; and (ii) the treatment processes to reduce wastes to be released to the environment, the manner of disposal for wastes retained and measures for noise abatement; (iii) the concentration of wastes to be released to the environment under any operating conditions of the facility, including such meteorological, hydrological and other information needed to support such estimates; (iv) architectural and engineering plans indicating compatibility of the facility with the environment; and (v) how the construction and operation of the facility, including transportation and disposal of wastes, would comply with environmental, health and safety standards, requirements, regulations and rules under state and municipal laws;

(c) estimated cost information, including plant costs by account, all expenses by categories, including fuel costs, location plant service life and capacity factor, and total generating cost per kilowatt-hour, both at plant and including related transmission, and comparative costs of alternatives considered;

(d) a statement explaining the need for the facility including (i) reasons that the facility is necessary or desirable for the public welfare and is not incompatible with health and safety; (ii) the load demands which the facility is designed to meet; (iii) how the facility will contribute to system reliability and safety; (iv) how the facility conforms to a long-range plan for the development of an integrated statewide power system;

(e) a description of any reasonable alternate location or locations for, and alternate practical sources of power to, the proposed facility; a description of the comparative advantages and disadvantages of each such location and source; and a statement of the reasons why the primary proposed location and source is best suited to promote the public health and welfare, including the recreational, and other concurrent uses which the site may serve; and

(f) such other information as the applicant may consider relevant or as may be required by the commission or the board. Copies of the application, including the required information, shall be filed with the commission and shall be available for public inspection. 2. Each application shall be accompanied by proof of service, in such manner as the commission shall prescribe, of:

(a) a copy of such application on i. each municipality in which any portion of such facility is to be located, as primarily proposed or in the alternative locations listed. Such copy to a municipality shall be addressed to the chief executive officer thereof and shall specify the date on or about which the application is to be filed; ii. each ex officio member of the board and on the chairman of the board for transmission to the appointed member as soon after his appointment as practicable; iii. the attorney general; iv. the secretary of state; v. a library servicing the district of each member of the state legislature in which any portion of the facility is to be located as primarily proposed or in the alternative locations listed; vi. in the event such facility or any portion thereof, as primarily proposed or in the alternative locations listed, is located within its jurisdiction, the Hudson river valley commission; vii. in the event such facility or any portion thereof, as primarily proposed or in other alternative locations listed, is located within its jurisdiction, the St. Lawrence-eastern Ontario commission. viii. In the event that such facility or any portion thereof, as primarily proposed or in the alternative locations listed, is located within the Adirondack park, as defined in subdivision one of section 9-0101 of the environmental conservation law, the Adirondack park agency.

(b) a notice of such application on

(i) persons residing in municipalities entitled to receive a copy of the application under subparagraph (i) of paragraph a of this subdivision. Such notice shall be given by the publication of a summary of the application and the date on or about which it will be filed, to be published under regulations to be promulgated by the commission, in such form and in such newspaper or newspapers as will serve substantially to inform the public of such application;

(ii) each member of the state legislature in whose district any portion of the facility is to be located, as primarily proposed or in the alternative locations listed; and

(iii) persons who have filed a statement with the commission within the past twelve months that they wish to receive all such notices concerning facilities in the area in which the facility is to be located, as primarily proposed or in the alternative locations listed. 3. Inadvertent failure of service on any of the municipalities, persons, agencies, bodies or commissions named in subdivision two shall not be jurisdictional and may be cured pursuant to regulations of the commission designed to afford such persons adequate notice to enable them to participate effectively in the proceeding. In addition, the commission may, after filing, require the applicant to serve notice of the application or copies thereof or both upon such other persons and file proof thereof as the commission may deem appropriate. 4. An application for an amendment of a certificate shall be in such form and contain information as the commission shall prescribe. Notice of such an application shall be given as set forth in subdivision two. 5. If an alternative location, not listed in the application, is proposed in the certification proceeding, notice of such proposed alternative site shall be given as set forth in subdivision two. 6. a. Each application shall be accompanied by a fee of twenty-five thousand dollars to be used to establish a fund (hereafter in this section referred to as the "fund") to defray expenses incurred by municipal parties to the proceeding (except a municipality which is the applicant) for expert witness and consultant fees. The commission shall provide transcripts, reproduce and serve documents, and publish required notices, for municipal parties. Any monies remaining in the fund, after the board has issued its decision on an application under this article and the time for applying for a rehearing and judicial review has expired, shall be returned to the applicant. b. The twenty-five thousand dollar fee required by paragraph a shall be deposited in one or more separate accounts in one or more banks of the commission's choosing insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the commission shall provide by rules and regulations for the management of the fund, for disbursements from the fund, and for the proper auditing of monies in the fund, which rules and regulations shall be consistent with the purpose of this section to make available to municipal parties monies from such fund for uses specified in this section. * NB Expired January 1, 1979 * NB Operative with regard to applications filed on or before December 31, 1978 * NB There are 2 § 142's