15-1442. Nominating petitions; election; returns; results; certificate of election; statement of contributions and expenditures
A. Candidates for the district board must file nominating petitions, conforming to section 16-314, with the appropriate county officer.
B. Members of the district board shall be elected at the time and place, and in the manner, of general elections as provided in title 16.
C. If only one person files a nominating petition or nomination paper for a write-in candidate for an election to fill a community college board office, the county school superintendent not earlier than one hundred five days before the election may cancel the election for the position and appoint the person who filed the nominating petition or nomination paper to fill the position. If no person files a nominating petition or nomination paper for a candidate or for a write-in candidate for an election to fill a community college board office, the county board of supervisors not earlier than one hundred five days before the election may cancel the election for that office and that office is deemed vacant and shall be filled as provided in section 15-1441. A person who is appointed pursuant to this subsection is fully vested with the powers and duties of the office as if elected to that office.
D. The county school superintendent and the chairman of the board of supervisors shall meet not later than on the fourteenth day following the election to canvass the returns in accordance with procedures for the canvass of returns in a general election. For any canvass conducted by the county school superintendent in November of an even-numbered year, the county school superintendent and the chairman of the board of supervisors shall conduct the canvass as part of the county’s general election canvass. The county school superintendent shall declare the results of the district board election, declare elected the person receiving the highest number of votes for each office to be filled and issue to that person a certificate of election.
E. All candidates for the office of community college district governing board member shall file with the clerk of the board of supervisors a statement of contributions and expenditures as provided in section 16-926.