15-501. Definitions
In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. " Administrator" means any school district administrator except a school principal who devotes at least fifty percent of the principal’s time to classroom teaching.
2. " Certificated teacher" means a person who holds a certificate from the state board of education to work in the schools of this state and who is employed under contract in a school district in a position that requires certification except a psychologist or an administrator who devotes at least fifty percent of the person’s time to classroom teaching.
3. " Full-time" means to be employed for a full school day, or its equivalent, or for a full class load, or its equivalent, as determined by the governing board.
4. " Governing board" means the governing board of a school district or a county school superintendent in the case of accommodation schools located in such a county.
5. " Inadequacy of classroom performance" means the definition of inadequacy classroom performance adopted by the governing board pursuant to section 15-538.
6. " Major portion of a school year" means full-time employment for fifty-one percent of the school days during which school is in session, except that a certificated teacher is not deemed to have completed the major portion of the third school year of three consecutive years of employment until the end of the third school year.
7. " Performance classifications" means the performance classifications adopted by the governing board.
8. " Qualified evaluator" means a school principal or other person who is trained to evaluate teachers and who is designated by the governing board to evaluate the school district’s certificated teachers.
9. " Superintendent" means the superintendent of schools of a school district.
10. " Suspension without pay" means suspension without pay for a period of time not to exceed ten school days.