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  • (a) Each officer and member of the Virgin Islands National Guard ordered into the Territorial Active Military Service pursuant to this chapter, shall receive for each day of at least eight hours of such duty, pay at the following rates, which is a composite combining average basic pay and all local allowances, but not special duty pay, and which shall be paid according to Territorial pay grade, regardless of dependency status and regardless of years of service:

E-1: $56 W-1, 2, 3, 4: $152
E-2: $64 0–1: $112
E-3: $72 0–2: $128
E-4: $80 0–3: $160
E-5: $88 0–4: $184
E-6: $96 0–5: $208
E-7: $112 0–6: $240
E-8: $120 0–7, 8, 9: $288
E-9: $136

Such pay shall increase by the same percentage and on the same date as each subsequent increase in basic pay to active duty members of the Armed Forces of the United States, provided further, that if any such increase is less than four per centum per annum in any calendar year, territorial pay shall increase not less than four percent that year.

  • (b) Special duty pay at the additional amount of $16.00 per day shall be paid to those officers and members of the Virgin Islands National Guard ordered to Territorial Active Military Service who are in the Medical Department and the Judge Advocate General’s Corps, and to those officers and members qualified and performing duties as aviators, aviation crew, parachutists, vessel crewmen or explosive ordnance disposal personnel.

  • (c) Within the amount appropriated therefore, pay for the Territorial Inactive Military Service periods for each hour of such duty shall be one-eighth of the daily pay and special duty pay (as appropriate) prescribed for the officers and members in subsections (a) and (b) of this section, provided that such pay shall not exceed eight hours per day and such pay may not be earned by an officer or member on the same day said officer or member has earned Territorial pay for Territorial Active Military Service.

  • (d) Members of the Virgin Islands National Guard shall not receive from the Territory the pay or the pay and allowances provided for by this section when their pay and allowances are paid from federal funds. Members and officers whether paid by territorial or federal funds shall not be charged the cost of any field subsistence or field quarters. Members and officers on Territorial Active Military Service traveling to and serving on an island other than their usual island of unit assignment are entitled to travel allowances as provided in the Joint Federal Travel Regulations, Volume 1 unless all transportation, lodging and subsistence is furnished free in kind.

  • (e) Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this chapter, members of the Virgin Islands National Guard may, with their consent, perform without pay or allowances any of the types of military duty described in this chapter pursuant to orders issued by competent military authority, provided that necessary traveling expenses, subsistence and per diem allowances may be furnished such members within the discretion of the Adjutant General and within the amount appropriated therefor.

  • (f) Officers and members on Territorial Active Military Service shall accrue one day leave off with pay for every six days of Territorial Active Military Service duty performed and paid for. If days of leave off are not able to be taken as earned, the accrued amounts may be paid at the termination of Territorial Active Military Service. Territorial Active Military Service pay shall otherwise only be paid for days of at least eight hours duty actually performed. Duty of less than eight hours shall be paid for at hourly rates at the rate of one-eighth of the daily pay and special pay provided in subsections (a) and (b) of this section.

  • (g) The Adjutant General shall receive an annual salary equal in amount to pay of the highest paid commissioner of an Executive Department of the Territory. When and if ordered into Territorial Active Military Service, the Adjutant General shall forfeit his salary during such period and receive pay as set forth for his Territorial military pay in subsection (a) of this section.

  • (h) There shall be allowed annually such sum, not exceeding the amount appropriated therefore, as may be necessary for the pay and allowances of the officers and members of the Virgin Islands National Guard on Territorial Military Service Duty.