(a) The Waste Management Authority is hereby declared the Solid Waste Management Agency of the Virgin Islands and the agency of the Territory with duties and responsibilities as authorized by Title 3, section 67 of this Code.
(b) There is hereby established within the Waste Management Authority the position of Solid Waste Planner.
(c) The functions of the Solid Waste Planner are to:
(1) develop and implement a solid waste management plan for the territory consistent with the provisions of this chapter;
(2) issue permits for waste collection, storage, salvage and recovery;
(3) review plans for disposal sites and to operate disposal sites;
(4) cancel and annul collection, storage, salvage or recovery permits for cause;
(5) oversee and reasonably discipline permittees collecting, storing, salvaging or recovering wastes;
(6) conduct hearings, if requested, into the suspension or revocation of a collector’s permit;
(7) oversee the collection and disposition of wastes;
(8) issue, amend or repeal rules and regulations for administering this law pursuant to the provisions of section 1560 of this chapter;
(9) maintain records of waste disposal and to require any person operating a disposal site to keep such records;
(10) establish and publish fees for government collection and disposal;
(11) inspect and approve collection vehicles.
(d) The functions of the Waste Management Authority are to:
(1) enforce this chapter and issue citations for violations;
(2) enforce and issue citations involving vehicular transport of wastes and littering of public places, and roads and highways.
(e) The Department of Health is authorized to:
(1) enforce the provisions of this chapter as they relate to public health, vectors and disease control and the management of wastes in restaurants and other public eating places;
(2) issue citations for violations; and
(3) remove for proper disposal the carcasses of dead animals with the assistance, when necessary, of the Waste Management Authority or the Department of Public Works.
(f) The U.S. Virgin Islands Police Department (V.I.P.D.) is authorized to:
(1) enforce provisions of this chapter relating to the public safety, abandoned vehicles, violations involving vehicular transport of wastes and littering in public places; and
(2) issue citations for violations.
(g) The Department of Planning and Natural Resources is authorized to:
(1) enforce provisions of this chapter relating to environmental effects of waste disposal, resource recovery and hazardous wastes;
(2) enforce provisions of this chapter within the Territorial submerged lands and waters;
(3) issue citations for violations;
(4) issue permits for the operation of disposal sites and to inspect each site before use; and
(5) periodically inspect all disposal sites to insure compliance with the designated disposal plan. Any modifications in such plans must be approved by the Commissioner of Planning and Natural Resources.
(h) Harbor patrol officers of the Virgin Islands Port Authority are authorized to:
(1) enforce provisions of this chapter within the Territorial waters and other public areas under their jurisdiction; and
(2) issue citations for violations.
(i) The Waste Management Authority are authorized to:
(1) issue, amend or repeal rules and regulations for the operation of an antilitter and beautification program in the Territory;
(2) enforce provisions of this chapter relating to the licensing and operation of redemption centers and the redemption of recyclable material;
(3) issue citations for violations.