(a) The Waste Management Authority shall provide suitable public waste containers in adequate number and size on sidewalks and other public places. Waste containers placed on sidewalks and other public places shall be used only for such waste material as persons may have for disposal while passing along the street or other public places, and in no event shall be used for the disposal of waste material accumulated in residences or places of business.
(b) Persons placing wastes in any waste or storage container shall do so in such a manner as to prevent them from being carried or deposited by the elements or by animals upon any public place or upon private property.
(c) It shall be the duty of any person in possession or control of any premises where waste is created or accumulates, at all times to keep or cause to be kept a sufficient number of approved waste containers for the deposit therein of such waste and to deposit or cause to be deposited such waste therein.
(d) No person shall sweep into or deposit in any gutter, street or other public place the accumulation of waste from any building or lot or from any public or private sidewalk or driveway. Persons owning or occupying property or places of business shall keep the sidewalk in front of their premises free of litter.
(e) Wastes accumulated in residences, places of business or otherwise shall be stored and disposed of in suitable containers, properly covered, tied or sealed so as to be protected from precipitation, animals, insects and vermin and to prevent scattering of contents and shall be disposed of in such manner as may be prescribed by regulations of the Waste Management Authority.
(f) If, after due notification by the Waste Management Authority that waste material has accumulated on any property in violation of this section, and if, after a reasonable period, the owner or occupant of such property does not remove or cause to be removed the waste material, the Waste Management Authority shall cause same to be removed and shall assess the cost of removal against the tenant or landowner. If necessary the Waste Management Authority may attach a lien against the property for recovery of removal costs.
(g) Public storage containers shall be provided of a type and size and at locations to be designated by the Waste Management Authority. Private waste containers of approved types shall be placed in public places only where they are subject to scheduled collection by the Waste Management Authority or commercial waste collectors.
(h) All housing projects and other multiple-family developments shall include, as part of the development design, adequate spaces for solid waste storage and these places must be approved by the Solid Waste Planner. Residents of these areas shall deposit waste only in the approved storage sites which shall have hours of collection prominently posted.
(i) It shall be the duty and responsibility of every business and commercial establishment, including apartment buildings of over three units and all other profit-making organizations, to provide for proper storage of their wastes. It shall be unlawful for any such establishment to use public roadside litter baskets or storage containers except as specifically authorized by the Waste Management Authority. The provisions of this section shall not apply to licensed private or parochial elementary, junior high or high schools in the Virgin Islands.