- No person shall—
(1) throw, place or deposit any waste in any public place, except in receptacles in the manner provided by law and regulations thereunder;
(2) interfere in any manner with any receptacle for waste which has been set out on a street or other public place for collection, or remove the contents thereof, or remove such receptacle from the location where the same was placed by the owner thereof or remove the cover of such receptacle without replacing the same;
(3) turn over or upset the contents of any waste receptacle on any street or public place;
(4) haul or transport loose waste such as paper, rags, ashes or other material of such kind as to be subject to be blown about by the wind or otherwise scattered in such manner as to litter the streets or other public places;
(5) cause, suffer or permit the accumulation, on premises under his management or control as owner, lessee, contractor or otherwise, of waste which because of its character or condition may invite the breeding or collection of flies, mosquitoes or rodents, or which may in any other manner prejudice the public health;
(6) place or permit to remain any abandoned or junked automobile or other motor vehicle or boat, the body or wreckage or parts thereof, on any property, shoreline or submerged land without the consent of the owner thereof;
(7) without the consent of the public authority having supervision of public property or the owner of private property, to dump, deposit, place, or throw or leave or cause or permit the dumping, depositing, placing, throwing or leaving of waste on any public or private property or waters other than property designated and set aside for such purposes; and if the dumping, depositing, placing or throwing of litter was done from a motor vehicle, boat or aircraft, it shall be prima facie evidence that such dumping, depositing, placing or throwing was done by the registered owner or operator of such motor vehicle, boat or aircraft;
(8) discard, except in a properly designated waste container any commercial or non-commercial handbill in or upon any public place; and it shall be unlawful for any person to hand out or distribute any commercial handbill to any person on a public street, sidewalk or vehicle parking area;
(9) drop, deposit or distribute any commercial or non-commercial handbill in or upon any private premises without the consent of the owner thereof and except by handing or transmitting the handbill directly to the owner or occupant or by so placing or depositing the handbill so as to secure or prevent it from being scattered from the premises to other public or private places;
(10) place or deposit any commercial or non-commercial handbill upon any vehicle not his own or in his possession;
(11) park any motor vehicle in front of a waste storage point;
(12) transport or dispose of any solid or hazardous waste in any manner or in any place inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, except that the Waste Management Authority may grant, upon application, dispensation for reasonable cause;
(13) dispose of any waste in any sewer, storm sewer, watercourse or body of water except as may be specifically allowed by the Waste Management Authority or in other pertinent sections of the Code;
(14) operate any disposal site without a permit;
(15) collect wastes commercially without a permit;
(16) overload any waste transport vehicle so that material is blown or scattered;
(17) conduct, or cause to be conducted, open burning of any waste anywhere, without specific permission of the Waste Management Authority, which permission shall be granted only for unusual circumstances, except that properly operated pits for the production of charcoal may be permitted by the Waste Management Authority upon application and his satisfaction that the operator is capable of properly maintaining same;
(18) dispose of any waste anywhere but at an authorized disposal site, except that private compost piles may be maintained if they are rodent-proof, do not contain garbage and do not constitute a public nuisance or health threat;
(19) throw, dump or place any material whatsoever on any artificial reef without written permission from the Commissioner of Planning and Natural Resources;
(20) scavenge wastes from any waste container, storage container, waste transport vehicle or storage or disposal site;
(21) salvage wastes commercially from any place other than an authorized storage, disposal or recovery facility and without permission of the owner or operator of such facility;
(22) conduct or cause to be conducted open dumping or the operation of open dumps;
(23) dump, deposit, place, or otherwise dispose or permit the dumping, depositing, placing or disposing of sewage or sewage sludge at a landfill, public or private land; or
(24) operate a redemption center for recyclable material without a license from the Waste Management Authority.