- The general assembly recognizes that a critical need exists in this state for criminal justice system programs to reduce the incidence of drug use, drug addiction and crimes committed as a result of drug use and drug addiction. It is the intent of the general assembly by this chapter to create a program to facilitate the implementation of new and the continuation of existing drug court treatment programs.
- The goals of the drug court treatment programs created under this chapter include the following:
- To reduce the use of jail and prison beds and other correctional services by nonviolent chemically dependent offenders by diverting them into rehabilitative programs;
- To reduce incidences of drug use and drug addiction among offenders;
- To reduce crimes committed as a result of drug use and addiction;
- To promote public safety through these reductions;
- To increase the personal, familial and societal accountability of offenders; and
- To promote effective interaction and the use of resources among local criminal justice agencies and community agencies.