(a) The time and place of sale of real property upon execution, by virtue of a judgment, or order of sale, must be advertised for at least twenty (20) days, next before the day of sale by posting printed advertisements at the courthouse door and five (5) other public places in the county in which the sale is to be made, one (1) of which is to be upon the premises to be sold, and by publishing the advertisement in a weekly newspaper, if there is one, in the county for at least two insertions before the day of sale.
(1) The time and place of sale of personal property shall be advertised by posting written or printed notices at three (3) of the most public places in the vicinity of the place of sale.
(2) No goods and chattels or other personal effects, seized and taken by virtue of any execution, shall be sold until the officer making the sale shall have given at least ten (10) days’ notice of the time and place of sale and the property to be sold.