US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


  1. (a) The undertaking of the surety, other than by a professional bail bondsman, shall be substantially as follows:

  2. (b) If the surety is a professional bail bondsman, the undertaking of the surety shall be in a form prescribed by the rules of the Professional Bail Bond Company and Professional Bail Bondsman Licensing Board.

“A.B., being in custody, charged with the offense of (naming or briefly describing it), and being admitted to bail in the sum of dollars, we C.D., of (stating his place of residence), and E.F., of (stating his place of residence), hereby undertake that the above named A.B. shall appear in the court on the day of its term to answer said charge, and shall at all times render himself or herself amenable to the orders and process of said court in prosecution of said charge, and, if convicted, shall render himself in execution thereof; or if he fail to perform either of these conditions, that we will pay to the appropriate court the sum of dollars.”

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