- The board shall establish rules and regulations pertaining to hearings, investigations, disciplinary under this chapter.
(1) The board shall conduct its proceedings in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Any person may represent themselves before the board or be represented by an attorney. Every vote and official act of the board shall be entered into the official record.
(2) The board shall have the power to administer oaths, hear testimony and receive evidence of matters within its jurisdiction, and require by subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses, and the production of all books, papers, and documents relating to any matter under investigation. A subpoena shall be issued by the board upon application by any party to a proceeding before the board and a showing of general relevance and reasonable scope. When a subpoenaed witness fails to appear, the board may apply to the Superior Court for an order requiring the person subpoenaed to appear before the board to testify and produce books, papers, or documents.
(3) One or more board members or a hearing examiner appointed by the board shall preside at the hearings.
(4) As a condition of probation the board may require the probationer to submit to care, counseling, or treatment by a professional designated by the board. The expense of such action shall be borne by the probationer.
(5) The board may, at any time, modify the conditions of the probation, and may include among them any reasonable condition for the purpose of the protection of the public, or for the purpose of the rehabilitation of the probationer, or both.
(6) The board shall have the power to require restitution when necessary.
(7) The board shall have the power to assess the costs of the disciplinary proceedings against the psychologist, associate psychologist, or psychological associate. Costs may be assessed against a complainant, if the Board finds that the complaint is frivolous as defined by Title 5, section 541, subsection (c), Virgin Islands Code.
(8) Any psychologist, psychological associate, associate psychologist or applicant for licensure under this chapter whose license to practice is denied, revoked, suspended or otherwise limited pursuant to this section or section 169b of this chapter, shall have the right to appeal the action of the board within thirty (30) days of the written decision to the Superior Court and the notice of appeal shall be simultaneously filed with the board.