(a) The West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council is continued as a not-for-profit corporation which has been organized to meet the requirements of the federal Rehabilitation Act, as amended. The council may not be established as an entity within any agency or political subdivision of the state. The council shall be governed by a board of directors, consisting of the voting members of the council, as provided in this section. The composition of this board of directors, as well as the composition of the full council’s membership, shall include a majority of members who are persons with disabilities, as defined in the federal Rehabilitation Act, as amended, who are not employed by any agency of the state or center for independent living. The council’s membership shall reflect balanced geographical representation, diverse backgrounds and a broad range of disabilities, including, but not limited to, physical, mental, cognitive, sensory and multiple.
(b) The council shall function as a partner with the centers for independent living, in compliance with the federal Rehabilitation Act, as amended, in the planning and provision of independent living services in the state. In conjunction with the centers for independent living, the council shall develop, approve and submit to the proper federal authorities the state plan for independent living, as required by the federal act. The council shall monitor, review and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the state plan.
(c) Voting members. — The council shall consist of twenty-four voting members, including one director of an independent living center chosen by the directors of the independent living centers in the state. The Governor shall select appointments from among the nominations submitted by the council after having conducted a statewide solicitation from organizations representing a wide range of individuals with disabilities and other interested groups, as coordinated by the council, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. These members may include individuals with disabilities, other representatives from centers for independent living, parents and guardians of individuals with disabilities, advocates of individuals with disabilities, representatives from the business and educational sectors, representatives of organizations that provide services for individuals with disabilities and other interested individuals, as appropriate to the purpose of the council.
(d) Nonvoting members. — The membership of the council shall also include the following, nonvoting, ex officio members or their designees who shall be appointed by the Governor:
(1) A representative of the designated state entity;