(a) The Board may deny or suspend any registration or deny or revoke any certificate of qualification upon a finding that the applicant or veterinary technician or veterinary technologist:
(1) solicited patients for any practitioner of the veterinary healing arts;
(2) solicited or received any form of compensation from any person other than the person’s registered employer for performing as a veterinary technician or veterinary technologist;
(3) willfully or negligently divulged a professional secret or discussing a veterinarian’s diagnosis or treatment without the express permission of the veterinarian;
(4) was convicted of any offense punishable by incarceration in a territorial, state or federal prison. A copy of the record of conviction, certified by the clerk of the court entering the conviction, is conclusive evidence;
(5) is unable to practice as a veterinary technician or veterinary technologist with reasonable skill and safety to patients because of illness or the use of drugs, alcohol, narcotics, or other chemicals, or as a result of any mental or physical condition;
(6) committed fraud or made a misrepresentation in applying for or procuring a certificate of qualification to perform as a veterinary technician or veterinary technologist in the Virgin Islands, or in applying for or procuring a bi-annual registration;
(7) impersonated another person registered as a veterinary technician or veterinary technologist, or allowing any person to use his certificate of qualification or registration;
(8) aided and abetted the practice of veterinary medicine by a person not licensed by the Board;
(9) committed gross negligence in the performance of duties, tasks or functions assigned to him by a licensed veterinarian;
(10) manifested incapacity or incompetence to perform as a veterinary technician or veterinary technologist; or
(11) engaged in conduct unbecoming a person registered as a veterinary technician or veterinary technologist or detrimental to the best interests of the public.
(b) A person whose certificate of qualification was suspended or revoked may be recertified or reinstated at any time upon written application to the Board showing cause to justify recertification or reinstatement.