(a) If a commercial drivers license is required as a condition of employment for any school employee or qualified applicant who becomes an employee by a county board the cost is paid in full by the county board.
A county board may not require any employee or applicant who becomes an employee of the board to pay the cost of acquiring a commercial drivers license as a condition of employment.
(b) The Division of Motor Vehicles shall accept the West Virginia Department of Education physical and psychomotor test result forms in lieu of the Division of Motor Vehicles vision report form.
(c) A school bus operator who is currently employed by a county board or a school bus operator candidate who is otherwise subject to state board rules governing school bus operators and who is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus requiring insulin is not ineligible for employment as a school bus operator because of the diagnosis if the operator is issued a passenger and school bus endorsement for his or her commercial drivers license through the West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles, subject to the following:
(1) A copy of the information required to be submitted to the Division of Motor Vehicles and proof of passenger and school bus endorsement is submitted to his or her employer; and