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§ 19-0306-b. Zero-emissions cars and trucks.

1. It shall be a goal of the state that one hundred percent of new passenger cars and trucks offered for sale or lease, or sold, or leased, for registration in the state shall be zero-emissions by two thousand thirty-five. It shall be a further goal of the state that one hundred percent of medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles offered for sale or lease, or sold, or leased, for registration in the state be zero-emissions by two thousand forty-five for all operations where feasible. It shall be further a goal of the state to transition to one hundred percent zero-emissions from new off-road vehicles and equipment purchased beginning in two thousand thirty-five, where feasible.

2. The department, to the extent consistent with federal law, shall develop and propose:

a. Passenger vehicle and truck regulations requiring increasing volumes of new zero-emissions vehicles offered for sale or lease, or sold, or leased, for registration in the state towards the target of one hundred percent of in-state sales by two thousand thirty-five.

b. Medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicle regulations requiring increasing volumes of new zero-emissions trucks and buses offered for sale or lease, or sold, or leased, for registration and operated in the state towards the target of one hundred percent of the fleet transitioning to zero-emissions vehicles by two thousand forty-five everywhere feasible.

c. Strategies, in coordination with other state agencies, other states and the federal environmental protection agency, to achieve one hundred percent zero-emissions from new off-road vehicles and equipment operations in the state by two thousand thirty-five. In implementing the provisions of this paragraph, the department shall act consistently with safety, technological feasibility and cost-effectiveness.

3. The New York state energy research and development authority, in consultation with the department, the department of economic development, the public service commission, the department of transportation, the department of motor vehicles, and other state agencies, local agencies and other interested parties, shall develop a zero-emissions vehicle market development strategy by January thirty-first, two thousand twenty-three, and an update every three years thereafter, that:

a. Ensures coordinated and expeditious implementation of the system of policies, programs and regulations necessary to achieve the goals and orders established by this section.

b. Outlines state agencies' actions to support new and used zero-emissions vehicle markets for broad accessibility for all residents of this state.

4. The department, the New York state energy research and development authority, the public service commission and other state agencies, shall use existing authorities to accelerate deployment of affordable powering options for zero-emissions vehicles, in ways that serve all communities and particularly low-income and disadvantaged communities, consistent with state and federal law.

5. The department, the New York state energy research and development authority, the department of motor vehicles and the department of transportation, in consultation with the other state agencies, shall on or before July fifteenth, two thousand twenty-three, identify near term actions and investment strategies to improve sustainable transportation, freight and transit options, including where feasible:

a. Supporting bicycle and pedestrian options, particularly in low-income and disadvantaged communities in the state, by incorporating safe and accessible infrastructure into projects where appropriate.

b. Supporting light, medium, and heavy-duty zero-emissions vehicles and infrastructure as part of larger transportation projects, where appropriate.