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Home » US Law » 2020 Arkansas Code » Title 19 - Public Finance » Chapter 12 - Tobacco Settlement Proceeds Act » Subchapter 1 - Tobacco Settlement Proceeds Act » § 19-12-108. Creation and administration of the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund
  1. (a) There is hereby created and established on the books of the Treasurer of State, the Auditor of State, and the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State a trust fund to be known as the “Tobacco Settlement Program Fund”, which fund shall be administered by the State Board of Finance. All moneys deposited into the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund are hereby restricted in their use and to be used solely as provided in this chapter. All expenditures and obligations that are payable from the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund and from each of the program accounts shall be subject to the same fiscal control, accounting, budgetary, and purchasing laws as are expenditures and obligations payable from other State Treasury funds, except as specified otherwise in this chapter. The Chief Fiscal Officer of the State may require additional controls, procedures, and reporting requirements that he or she determines are necessary to carry out the intent of this chapter.

  2. (b) There shall be transferred from the Tobacco Settlement Cash Holding Fund to the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund the amounts set forth for such transfer as provided in § 19-12-104.

  3. (c) Amounts deposited into the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund shall, prior to the distribution to the program accounts set forth in § 19-12-108(d)(1), be held and invested in investments pursuant to and in compliance with § 19-12-103(c); provided, that all such investments must mature or be redeemable without penalty on or prior to the next-succeeding June 30.

  4. (d)

    1. (1) On each July 1, the amounts deposited into the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund, excluding investment earnings, shall be transferred to the various program accounts as follows:

      1. (A) Fifteen and eight-tenths percent (15.8%) of amounts in the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund shall be transferred to the Targeted State Needs Program Account;

      2. (B) Twenty-two and eight-tenths percent (22.8%) of amounts in the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund shall be transferred to the Arkansas Biosciences Institute Program Account; and

      3. (C) Thirty-four and two-tenths percent (34.2%) of amounts in the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund shall be transferred to the Medicaid Expansion Program Account.

    2. (2)

      1. (A) The Prevention and Cessation Program Account may receive loans from the Budget Stabilization Trust Fund in amounts determined by the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State that shall not exceed twenty-seven and two-tenths percent (27.2%) of the amounts estimated to be received in the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund during the current fiscal year. This estimate shall not include moneys returned to the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund under subdivision (e)(1) of this section.

      2. (B) The loans shall be repaid from twenty-seven and two-tenths percent (27.2%) of amounts received in the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund during the fiscal year in which the loans are made. The loans shall be repaid before the end of the fiscal year. After the loans have been repaid, the Prevention and Cessation Program Account shall be transferred the difference between twenty-seven and two-tenths percent (27.2%) of amounts received in the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund during the fiscal year in which the loans are made and the amount of the loans.

  5. (e)

    1. (1) All moneys distributed to the program accounts set forth in subdivision (d)(1) of this section and remaining at the end of each fiscal biennium shall be transferred to the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund by the board. The amounts will be held in the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund and then redeposited on July 1 as follows:

      1. (A) Twenty-three and one-tenth percent (23.1%) of amounts in the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund shall be transferred to the Targeted State Needs Program Account;

      2. (B) Thirty-three and three-tenths percent (33.3%) of amounts in the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund shall be transferred to the Arkansas Biosciences Institute Program Account; and

      3. (C) Forty-three and six-tenths percent (43.6%) of amounts in the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund shall be transferred to the Medicaid Expansion Program Account.

    2. (2) However, if the director of any agency receiving funds from the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund determines that there is a need to retain a portion of the amounts transferred under this section, the director may submit a request and written justification to the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State. Upon determination by the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State that sufficient justification exists, and after certification by the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Commission that the program has met the criteria established in § 19-12-118, such amounts requested shall remain in the account at the end of a biennium, there to be used for the purposes established by this chapter; provided, that the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State shall seek the review of the Legislative Council prior to approval of any such request.

  6. (f) The board shall invest all moneys held in the Tobacco Settlement Program Fund and in each of the program accounts. All investment earnings on such funds and accounts shall be transferred on each July 1 to a fund hereby established and as a trust fund on the books of the Treasurer of State, the Auditor of State, and the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State and designated as the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Commission Fund. Such fund is to be a trust fund and administered by the board. All moneys deposited into the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Commission Fund are hereby restricted in their use and to be used solely as provided in this chapter. Amounts held in the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Commission Fund shall be used to pay the costs and expenses of the commission, including the monitoring and evaluation program established pursuant to § 19-12-118, and to provide grants as authorized in § 19-12-117.