- The board of supervisors of each county which is required to operate on a countywide system of road administration as described in Section 19-2-3 shall adopt and maintain a system of countywide personnel administration for all county employees other than those employees subject to subsection (2) of this section. The personnel system shall be implemented and administered by the county administrator. Such personnel system may include, but not be limited to, policies which address the following: hiring and termination of employees, appeal and grievance procedures, leave and holidays, compensation, job classification, training, performance evaluation and maintenance of records. All employees of the county shall be employees of the county as a whole and not of any particular supervisor district. However, any employee which the county administrator is authorized to employ may be terminated at the will and pleasure of the administrator without requiring approval by the board of supervisors.
The board of supervisors of each county shall spread upon its minutes all its actions on personnel matters relating to hiring or termination and such other personnel matters deemed appropriate by the board.
- The elected officials of any county described in subsection (1) of this section, other than members of the board of supervisors, who are authorized by law to employ shall adopt and maintain a system of personnel administration for their respective employees or shall adopt the system of personnel administration adopted by the board of supervisors. The personnel system adopted and any amendments thereto shall be filed with the board of supervisors.