The county extension service committee shall be composed of (a) the president of the county farm bureau, (b) the president of the county extension homemakers council, (c) the president of the county Four-H leaders' association, (d) a county commissioner designated by the president of the county commission, (e) a member of the county board of education designated by the president of the county board of education, (f) a county representative of the grange, and (g) two members who are residents of the county to be appointed by the board of advisors of West Virginia University for staggered terms of three years each beginning on July 1, and in making these appointments the board of advisors shall appoint one member designated by any other active farm organization in the county not already represented by virtue of this section. If any of the above-named organizations do not exist in the county, the board of advisors of West Virginia University may appoint an additional member for each such vacancy. The committee shall annually elect from its membership a chairperson and a secretary.
It shall each year be the duty and responsibility of the county extension service committee:
(1) To enter into a memorandum of agreement with the cooperative extension service of West Virginia University for the employment of county cooperative extension workers.