No person, partnership, or corporation shall make any loan of money, credit, goods, or things of value in the amount or to the value of $7,500 or less whether secured or unsecured, and charge, contract for, or receive a greater rate of interest than otherwise authorized by law therefor without holding a license from the Banking Board. Each such license shall terminate on the first day of April next following its issue. Each license shall remain in full force and effect until surrendered, revoked, suspended or terminated. Each such license shall state the name and address of the licensee and shall be posted in the licensee’s place of business. No license shall be transferable or assignable. Before the corporate or trade name under which the license business is conducted is changed the licensee shall give notice to the Banking Board who shall amend the license accordingly without cost unless, in the opinion of the Banking Board, the proposed change of name conflicts or might conflict with any existing registered name of any licensee.