Only onions which are of the Vidalia onion variety and which are grown within the Vidalia onion production area may be identified, classified, packaged, labeled, or otherwise designated for sale inside or outside this state as Vidalia onions. The term “Vidalia” may be used in connection with the labeling, packaging, classifying, or identifying of onions for sale inside or outside this state only if the onions are of the Vidalia onion variety and are grown in the Vidalia onion production area.
History. Code 1981, § 2-14-132 , enacted by Ga. L. 1986, p. 3, § 1.
Cross references.
Deceptive and unfair trade practices generally, § 10-1-370 et seq.
Adulteration and misbranding of food, § 26-2-20 et seq.