2-714. Same; destruction and control of certain plants; barberry eradication fund.
The secretary of agriculture is hereby authorized to destroy or cause to be destroyed all such plants, or parts thereof capable of propagation, wherever and whenever found, and may cooperate with other agencies and individuals within the state and with the United States department of agriculture in the removal of these plants and in the control of the black stem rust disease in agricultural crops and wild grasses. The secretary of agriculture is hereby authorized to enter into agreements with any agency of the federal government for the purpose of carrying out the common barberry eradication program. Such agreement may provide for proportionate contributions of funds for such a program and when such is the case, the agreement shall clearly state the amounts to be contributed by the federal agency and the amounts to be contributed by the Kansas department of agriculture. All funds contributed by any federal agency and the funds contributed by the Kansas department of agriculture shall be deposited in the state treasury in a fund to be known as the “barberry eradication fund,” which fund is hereby created and the secretary of agriculture is hereby authorized to expend said funds in carrying out its common barberry eradication program.
History: L. 1951, ch. 10, § 3; L. 1955, ch. 5, § 1; L. 2004, ch. 101, § 12; July 1.