- The commission without prior notice to and public hearing for the producers or handlers of the peanuts directly affected, may issue and make effective seasonal marketing regulations or modifications thereof, provided that the marketing order, made effective after due notice, public hearing, and written assent as required by this article, (1) provides for the issuance or modification of such seasonal marketing regulations without requiring such prior notice and public hearing, and (2) sets forth the limits within which such seasonal marketing regulations may be made effective or subsequently modified by the commission; and provided, further, that the commission finds that such seasonal marketing regulations or modifications thereof are reasonable and proper and a practical means of carrying out the marketing provisions authorized in such marketing order or agreement and will effectuate the declared purposes and policies of this article with respect to peanuts. Notice of the issuance and the effective date of any such seasonal marketing regulations or modifications thereof shall be given by the commission to all producers and handlers directly affected by any such regulations in the manner and within the time specified in the applicable marketing order or, in absence of such, as may be specified by the commission or as specified in the administrative rules and regulations made effective for such marketing order pursuant to subsection (f) of Code Section 2-8-63.
- It is recognized that with respect to some peanuts, marketing, weather, and other conditions may change so rapidly as to require changes in seasonal marketing regulations from week to week or more often. It is intended that this Code section be interpreted liberally so that the commission may be enabled to carry out the marketing regulations and procedures authorized in this Code section in a practical and effective manner.
History. Code 1981, § 2-8-65 , enacted by Ga. L. 1989, p. 1420, § 1.