- In this chapter, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following words, terms, and phrases have the following meanings:
(a) “Agricultural products” means fruits, vegetables, herbs, honey, forage, ornamentals, aquaculture, (fish), trees, poultry, eggs, meat, and dairy products.
(b) “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture or the Commissioner’s designee.
(c) “Crop” means the cultivated plants or agricultural produce, such as grain, vegetables, or fruit, considered as a group; the total yield of the produce in a particular season or place.
(d) “Department” means the Department of Agriculture.
(e) “Farm” means any development of land for the commercial production of plants, fruits, vegetables, herbs, honey, forage, ornamentals, aquaculture, trees, poultry, eggs, meat, and dairy products.
(f) “Farmer or agriculturist” means any individual, partnership, firm, cooperative or corporation in the Virgin Islands engaged in any business whose income is wholly or partially derived from the production and sale of food.
(g) “To farm” means to practice the production of fruits, vegetables, herbs, honey, forage, ornamentals, aquaculture, trees, poultry, eggs, meat, and dairy products, and aquatic life in the Virgin Islands.
(h) “Fee” includes, any application fee, license fee, permit fee, inspection fee, certification fee, registration fee, analysis fee or certificate fee.
(i) “Floriculture” means the cultivation of flowers and foliage as a crop.
(j) “Food” means something that nourishes and sustains life and is grown, produced or processed.
(k) “Horticulture” means the art and science of gardening. Commercial horticulture includes fruits, flowers and crop growing including the nursery industry.
(l) “Livestock” means sheep, goats, pigs, cows, and any other animals produced for sale and consumption.
(m) “Poultry” means domesticated birds reared for eggs and meat.
(n) “Prime farmland” means land that has the best combination of chemical and physical characteristics, as determined by the commissioner of agriculture, for producing food, feed, forage, fiber and oilseed crops. It could be cultivated land, pastureland, forest land, other land, but is not urban or built-up land or wetland.
(o) “Produce” means fruits, vegetables, herbs, honey, forage, ornamentals, trees, poultry, eggs, meat, dairy products, and aquatic production.
(p) “Producer” means any person that is engaged in the business of growing, marketing or producing any farm product, as defined in this section.
(q) “Property engaged in agriculture”, means any land space used wholly or partially for the production of agricultural products, including but not limited to:
(1) The cultivating of any fruits, vegetables, herbs, honey, forage, ornamentals, aquaculture, trees, poultry, eggs, meat, and dairy products, and aquatic; or
(2) The production, manufacture or processing of any food products or edible food byproducts mentioned in this chapter.
(r) “Seeded, seeding, seed, when used as a verb” means to plant seeds in the soil; to sow; or to remove the seeds from fruit.
(s) “Sell” means to offer agricultural products for possession for profit, exchange, negotiation or the engagement in any other legal activity of a commercial nature.
(t) “Silviculture” the branch of forestry dealing with the development and care of forests.
(u) “Sustainable Agriculture” means a site-specific system of food production that is environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially responsive.
(v) “Territory” means the land and jurisdictional borders of the Virgin Islands.