(a) The Department of Health shall offer a vaccination program for first responders who may be exposed to infectious diseases while deployed to disaster locations.
(b) Participation in the vaccination program shall be voluntary by the first responders, except for first responders who are classified as having occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens as defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standard contained in 29 C.F.R. § 1910.1030, as in effect on January 1, 2003, who shall be required to take the designated vaccinations or as otherwise required by law.
(c) The department shall notify first responders of the availability of the vaccination program and shall provide first responders with educational materials on ways to prevent exposure to infectious disease.
(d) The department may contract with county and local health departments, not-for-profit home healthcare agencies, hospitals, and physicians to administer a vaccination program for first responders.
(1) This section shall be effective upon receipt of federal funding or federal grants, or both, for administering a vaccination program for first responders.
(2) Upon receipt of federal funding, the department shall make available the vaccines required for first responders under this section.