(a) The Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council, within thirty (30) days after its appointment, shall organize as necessary to carry out its purposes as prescribed by this subchapter.
(b) Procedures adopted, amended, or repealed by the council shall require a majority vote of all council members.
(1) At the initial organizational meeting of the council, the members shall elect from among their number a chair and a vice chair to serve for one (1) year.
(2) Annually thereafter, an organizational meeting shall be held to elect the officers.
(3) The Director of the Division of Emergency Medical Services of the Department of Health shall serve as the Executive Secretary of the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council.
(4) Seven (7) council members shall constitute a quorum.
(d) Quarterly meetings of the council may be held. Special meetings may be called as provided by the rules of the council.
(1) The Executive Secretary of the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council shall keep full and true records of all council proceedings and preserve all books, documents, and papers relating to the business of the council.
(2) The records of the council shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times.
(1) The council shall report in writing to the Secretary of the Department of Health on or about July 31 of each year.
(2) The report shall contain a summary of the proceedings of the council during the preceding fiscal year, a detailed and itemized statement of all revenue and of all expenditures made by or in behalf of the council, other information deemed necessary or useful, and any additional information which may be requested by the Secretary of the Department of Health.