The Department of Health shall have the responsibility and authority to:
(1) Administer this subchapter;
(2) Enforce the rules and standards promulgated by the State Board of Health for the administration and enforcement of this subchapter;
(3) Employ and prescribe the duties of employees as may be necessary to administer this subchapter;
(4) Certify emergency medical services personnel through use of a national competency examination by qualified examiners upon the completion of required curriculum;
(5) Issue and renew operational permits for each ambulance or advanced life support rescue or air ambulance service. However, no permit shall be issued unless each ambulance, advanced life support rescue unit, or air ambulance, when in use as such, conforms with the standards, requirements, and rules as set forth by the board;
(A) Issue initial and renewal licenses to any qualified applicant that provides emergency medical services or advanced life support rescue services, whether the applicant is an individual, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity, as well as a municipality or other unit of government.
(B) After July 24, 2019, an applicant seeking initial licensure or renewal of licensure shall be certified by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians for the particular emergency medical services personnel license that the applicant is applying for on the state level.
(C) An individual who is licensed as emergency medical services personnel before July 24, 2019, is not required to be certified by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians to renew a license if he or she has never been certified by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians or is not eligible for reinstatement of certification by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians;
(7) Assist area health planning in the establishment and operation of local, municipal, county, or district emergency medical services;
(8) In addition to collecting fees pursuant to § 20-13-211, accept public and private gifts, grants, and donations for the purpose of administering this subchapter; and
(9) Engage in the development of dispatching capabilities for emergency ambulance services in this state. The emergency medical services provider shall make a reasonable effort to see that a patient is taken to a physician or hospital of the patient’s choice, if within a reasonable distance.