(a) The Chair of the Governor’s Commission on People with Disabilities shall name an executive board from the membership consisting of no more than five (5) members, taking into consideration that consumer representation must be assured.
(b) The Executive Board of the Governor’s Commission on People with Disabilities shall be responsible for the following activities:
(1) [Repealed.]
(2) Acting on behalf of the Governor’s Commission on People with Disabilities between regular meetings of the full commission;
(3) Establishing a schedule for regular commission meetings and holding such other meetings of the executive board as may be necessary;
(4) Preparing an annual plan of work for the commission, subject to the approval of the commission;
(5) Assuring that commission activities coordinate with those of other public and private agencies responsible for providing services to disabled citizens;
(6) Scheduling a public hearing on any commission-related matter if a hearing is required by state law or deemed necessary by the commission; and
(7) Establishing such subcommittees as may be necessary to carry out the powers and duties of the commission.