20-3341. Definitions
In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. " Drug coverage" :
(a) Means any form of compensation paid to a pharmacy that dispenses prescription drugs for a patient under a contractual or other legal obligation with a health insurer or pharmacy benefit manager.
(b) Does not include either of the following:
(i) Coverage provided pursuant to title 36, chapter 29, article 1.
(ii) Any amounts paid by an individual on his or her own behalf or on behalf of another individual without a contractual or legal obligation to do so.
2. " Health care plan" has the same meaning prescribed in section 20-3151.
3. " Health insurer" has the same meaning prescribed in section 20-242.
4. " Third party" means a health insurer or pharmacy benefit manager that provides or manages drug coverage under a health care plan.
5. " 340B covered entity" means an entity that participates in the 340B drug discount program authorized by 42 United States Code section 256b.
6. " 340B drug" means a drug that is purchased by a 340B covered entity through the 340B drug discount program authorized by 42 United States Code section 256b and that is dispensed by a pharmacy.