(a) The Secretary of the Department of Health may construct or acquire such facilities and property as are necessary for the provision of current and future requirements for the Department of Health.
(b) Notwithstanding other provisions of this subchapter, the secretary, with the approval of the State Board of Health, may use any unobligated funds in the State Health Department Building and Local Grant Trust Fund in an amount not to exceed six hundred fifty thousand dollars ($650,000) to construct or acquire any land, building, structure, or other property, real, personal, or mixed, and any expenses incidental thereto which are deemed appropriate for the provision of current and future requirements for the department.
(c) With the approval of the board, the secretary may lease, sublease, or otherwise negotiate for the use of any space acquired or constructed under this subchapter to other governmental and nongovernmental entities. Revenues derived from any such lease, sublease, or other arrangement shall be deposited into the Public Health Fund.
(d) Neither the secretary nor any member of the board shall be personally liable for any obligation or action undertaken in connection therewith or for any damages sustained by anyone with respect to any obligations or actions unless he or she shall have acted with a corrupt intent.