20-837. Tax exemption; exceptions
A. Every corporation doing business pursuant to this article is declared to be a nonprofit and benevolent institution and to be exempt from state, county, district, municipal and school taxes, including the taxes prescribed by this title, and excepting only the fees prescribed by section 20-167 and taxes on real and tangible personal property located within this state. Each corporation is subject to a state tax of 2.0 percent on net premiums that are received to effect or maintain the corporation’s subscription contracts, except that the tax shall not apply with respect to any coverage concerning which the corporation’s relationship is as administrative or fiscal agent for national, state or municipal government or any political subdivision or body thereof, and such tax shall not apply with respect to any premiums received from funds of national, state or municipal government or any political subdivision or body thereof. The tax shall be determined, filed and reported in the manner prescribed in section 20-224. The failure by a corporation to pay the tax on or before the prescribed payment dates results in a civil penalty determined pursuant to section 20-225.
B. A corporation may claim a premium tax credit if the corporation qualifies for a credit pursuant to section 20-224.03.