(a) The Secretary of the Department of Health shall appoint an Advisory Committee on Healthcare Acquired Infections, including without limitation representatives of:
(1) Public and private hospitals, including representatives of hospitals with fewer than fifty (50) beds and representatives of hospitals with more than fifty (50) beds;
(2) Outpatient surgery centers;
(3) Direct-care nursing staff;
(4) Physicians;
(5) Infection-control professionals with expertise in healthcare-associated infections;
(6) Academic researchers; and
(7) At least one (1) representative of a consumer organization.
(b) The committee shall assist the Department of Health in the development of all aspects of the department’s methodology for collecting, analyzing, and disclosing the data collected under this subchapter, including without limitation:
(1) Collection methods;
(2) Formatting; and
(3) Methods and means for the release and dissemination of the data.
(1) In developing the methodology for collecting and analyzing the infection-rate data, the department and the committee shall consider existing methodologies and systems for data collection.
(2) Any data collection and analytical methodologies used shall be:
(A) Capable of being validated; and
(B) Based upon nationally recognized and recommended standards that may include those developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the United States Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, or the National Quality Forum.
(3) The proposed data collection and analysis methodology shall be disclosed for public comment before any public disclosure of healthcare-associated infection rates in an annual report under § 20-9-1205.
(A) The data collection and analysis methodology shall be presented to all health facilities in this state on or before September 1, 2008.
(B) The methodology may be amended based upon input from the health facilities.
(A) The first voluntary quarterly report under § 20-9-1203(b) shall be presented to the department on or before January 31, 2009.
(B) Health facilities may begin voluntarily reporting data on January 31, 2009, or at any time thereafter.
(d) The department and the committee shall evaluate on a regular basis the quality and accuracy of health facility data reported under this subchapter and the data collection, analysis, and dissemination methodologies used under this subchapter.
(e) After release of the second annual report published under § 20-9-1205 and upon consultation with the committee and with other technical advisors who are recognized experts in the prevention, identification, and control of healthcare-associated infections and the reporting of performance data, the department may add categories of infections to those set forth in § 20-9-1203(a) in compliance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, § 25-15-201 et seq.