(a) A copy of the shaken baby syndrome educational materials developed under § 20-9-1402 or comparable material shall be distributed:
(1) By a child birth educator, a pediatric physician’s office, or an obstetrician’s office to an expectant parent who uses the services of the child birth educator or staff;
(2) By a hospital or freestanding birthing center in which a child is born to the child’s parent who is present at the hospital or freestanding birthing center before the child is discharged from the facility;
(3) By a child care facility to the parent with whom the child resides; and
(4) By a child care facility to each employee of the child care facility.
(b) An entity or a person required to distribute educational materials under subsection (a) of this section is not subject to civil or criminal liability for an injury, a death, or a loss to a person or property resulting from the dissemination of, or failure to disseminate, the educational materials.