(20 ILCS 3610/1) (from Ch. 5, par. 1251)
Sec. 1.
This Act shall be known and may be cited as the Emergency Farm Credit Allocation Act.
(Source: P.A. 84-1.)
(20 ILCS 3610/2) (from Ch. 5, par. 1252)
Sec. 2.
The General Assembly has found and determined and does hereby
declare that: (a) a strong farm economy is essential to the overall fiscal
health of the State of Illinois; (b) farmers in Illinois are currently
facing an economic crisis of unprecedented proportion caused in part by
high credit costs and low commodity prices; (c) there is a serious lack of
farm operating credit at affordable costs to farmers in Illinois; and (d)
the State of Illinois can assist in alleviating this severe credit need by
granting payment adjustments to significantly reduce interest costs.
(Source: P.A. 84-1.)
(20 ILCS 3610/3) (from Ch. 5, par. 1253)
Sec. 3.
As used in this Act unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) “Applicant” means an Illinois farmer applying for an operating loan.
(b) “Operating loan” means a loan to an applicant in connection with
cultivating the soil, or in connection with raising or harvesting any
agricultural or horticultural commodity, including the raising, feeding and
management of livestock or poultry on a farm of which the applicant is the
owner, tenant, or operator, for the current year’s operating expenses.
(c) “Lender” means any federal or State chartered bank, federal land
bank, production credit association, bank for cooperatives, federal or
State chartered savings and loan association or building and loan association,
investment company or any other institution qualified within this State to
originate and service loans, including, but without limitation to,
insurance companies, credit unions and mortgage loan companies.
(d) “Payment adjustment” means an amount of money equal to one-half of
the total interest payable on the principal of the operating loan.
(e) “Authority” means the Illinois Finance
(f) “Asset” shall include, but not be limited to the following: cash
crops or feed on hand; livestock held for sale; breeding stock; marketable
bonds and securities; securities not readily marketable; accounts
receivable; notes receivable; cash invested in growing crops; net cash
value of life insurance; machinery and equipment; cars and trucks; farm and
other real estate including life estates and personal residence; value of
beneficial interests in trusts; government payments or grants; and any other
(g) “Liability” shall include, but not be limited to the following:
accounts payable; notes or other indebtedness owed to any source; taxes;
rent; amounts owed on real estate contracts or real estate mortgages;
judgments; accrued interest payable; and any other liability.
(h) “Debt to asset ratio” means the current outstanding liabilities of
the farmer divided by the current outstanding assets of the farmer.
(Source: P.A. 93-205, eff. 1-1-04.)
(20 ILCS 3610/4) (from Ch. 5, par. 1254)
Sec. 4.
There is hereby created a payment adjustment program to be
administered by the Illinois Finance Authority.
The Authority shall have the authority to promulgate and adopt rules
and regulations which are consistent with this Act.
The Authority may impose a minimal fee to cover the costs of
administering the program. On or before May 1 of each of the next six
years, or until all repayments have been received on payment adjustments,
the Authority shall submit a report to the General Assembly and the
Governor concerning the status of the payment adjustment program. The
Authority shall grant no payment adjustments after June 15, 1986.
(Source: P.A. 93-205, eff. 1-1-04.)
(20 ILCS 3610/5) (from Ch. 5, par. 1255)
Sec. 5.
A payment adjustment may be granted if the following
criteria are satisfied:
(a) the applicant is a resident of the State of Illinois and is the
principal operator of the farm or land for which the loan is intended,
provided that only one such loan shall be made for any one farm operation;
(b) the applicant can demonstrate on the date of application a debt to
asset ratio of not less than 55%;
(c) the applicant is credit worthy according to standards prescribed by
the lender;
(d) the applicant agrees to secure the payment adjustment in a
manner determined by
the Authority;
(e) the applicant is not a lender or employed by a lender or an employee
or member of the board of the Authority; and
(f) the applicant certifies that the proceeds of the operating loan
shall be used during 1985 or 1986 in connection with cultivating the soil and
planting, raising and harvesting any agricultural or horticultural
commodity on a farm of which the applicant is the principal operator, and
shall not be used to prepay a prior loan or to replace the proceeds therefrom.
(Source: P.A. 84-1; 84-1106.)
(20 ILCS 3610/6) (from Ch. 5, par. 1256)
Sec. 6.
Application for an operating loan subject to a payment
adjustment shall be to any lender. The lender may approve any application
meeting the criteria established in Sections 5 and 7 of this Act. Any
approved application shall be subject to approval by the Authority with
respect to the grant of a payment adjustment.
(Source: P.A. 84-1.)
(20 ILCS 3610/7) (from Ch. 5, par. 1257)
Sec. 7.
An application for a payment adjustment shall be transacted on
forms provided by the Authority. An operating loan subject
to a payment
adjustment shall not exceed $150,000; shall be due
and payable within 14 months after the operating loan is granted; it
shall be made at
a fixed or variable interest rate not to exceed the lesser of
13% or the prevailing farm
operating loan rate; and notice of the lender’s approval of the application
for such operating loan subject to a payment adjustment shall be received
by the Authority prior to June 15, 1986. Priority shall be given
to those applications which are received by the Authority the
earliest. The Authority may approve payment adjustments in an aggregate
amount not to exceed $25,000,000. Payment adjustments shall be distributed
on an equitable basis throughout agricultural farm regions of the
State of Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 84-1; 84-1106.)
(20 ILCS 3610/8) (from Ch. 5, par. 1258)
Sec. 8.
There is hereby created outside of the State treasury a
special fund to be known as the Farm Credit Payment Adjustment Fund. The
State Treasurer shall be custodian of such fund. All earnings on monies
in such fund shall be deposited into the Farm Credit Payment Adjustment Fund.
Any applicant approved by a lender for an operating loan subject to
a payment adjustment shall be eligible, upon approval by the Authority, for
a payment adjustment payable by the Authority to the lender from funds in
either the Farm Credit Payment Adjustment Fund or the Farm Emergency
Assistance Fund, at the time the operating loan
subject to such payment adjustment becomes due and
payable. The Comptroller shall make payments from either the Farm Credit Payment
Adjustment Fund or the Farm Emergency Assistance Fund pursuant to
properly certified vouchers of the Authority.
Any payment adjustment granted and paid
by the Authority shall be repaid by the applicant to the Authority for
deposit into the Farm Credit Payment Adjustment Fund within 5 years
from the date the payment adjustment was paid. It shall be paid in equal
annual installments during the five-year period with no additional interest
charge and may be prepaid in whole or in part at any time. All funds
remaining in the Farm Credit Payment Adjustment Fund as of July 1, 1987,
or July 1 of any year thereafter shall be transferred into the General Revenue Fund.
(Source: P.A. 84-1; 84-1106; 84-1109.)