- The Commissioner of Finance shall not approve contract forms to be used for the purpose of contracting for labor to be employed outside the Virgin Islands unless the contracts set forth the following provisions:
(1) the total payments for the services of the employment agency shall not exceed 10% of the first 3 months’ earnings, provided that no more than a total of $50 can be collected from any one person, fifty per cent of which shall be borne by the employer.
(2) the employee shall be guaranteed return expenses to the point of departure at any time during the first year of employment if the conditions of employment offered in the employment contract are not adhered to.
(3) conditions of employment and wages shall not be inferior in any respect to the minimum conditions of employment and wages offered for similar work in the locality in which the employee contracts to work, and in no case less favorable in any respect than similar conditions in the Virgin Islands.
(4) the contract shall contain an accurate description of the work to be performed and all pertinent information concerning the job. The employment agency shall fully explain to the employee all the conditions stipulated in the contract.