(a) An applicant for licensure under this chapter shall:
(1) submit all information and documentation of credentials requested by the Board on the appropriate form as prescribed by the Board;
(2) pay a non-refundable fee, as provided in section 211 not later than 90 days before the date the applicant desires to take the examination;
(3) be at least 21 years of age, of good moral character, and not have been convicted of a felony or a crime of moral turpitude and must not be addicted to alcohol or drugs;
(4) produce certified transcripts verifying satisfactory completion of educational course work or academic degrees as required;
(5) have declared to the Board and agreed to continue the area of professional competence through a statement of profession intent, describing the intended use of the license, the client population with whom the applicant will work, the professional procedures the applicant plans to utilize, including the applicant’s theoretical orientation and preferred intervention strategies; and
(6) have validated the competencies declared in the Statement of Professional Intent as well as demonstrated knowledge of the appropriate professional counseling field by passing a written examination given by the Board twice a year in the Virgin Islands at times to coincide with the exam date given by the National Certifying Boards of the respective disciplines in the United States whose exams are employed by the Board.
(b) The Board shall perform background screening of each applicant which includes drug screening and criminal record checks for conviction of sexual offences.
(c) The Board shall send an annual notice determined by the anniversary date of the filing of an application to an applicant who does not complete an application in a timely manner. An application not completed within 30 days after the date of the Board’s annual notice may be voided; however, by written request to the Board, an applicant may request that the application be kept active for an additional year. Incomplete applications must be retained for one year; however, after that year an applicant must submit a new application and all the required materials, in addition to paying a new application fee.
(d) The general application form must contain:
(1) Specific inquiries regarding the application’s personal data, employment and type of practice, other licenses and certifications held, felony or misdemeanor convictions, educational background, including direct clinical experience, supervised experience and references;
(2) The applicant’s authorization of the Board to seek any information or references the Board considers necessary and proper to determine the applicant’s qualifications;
(3) A statement that the applicant understands that the application fees are non-refundable;
(4) A statement that the applicant, if issued a license, shall return the license to the Board upon the revocation or the suspension of the license;
(5) The applicant’s dated and notarized signature;
(6) The signature of the school official or official university transcript that can formally attest to the completion of an applicant’s clinical practicum; and
(7) The applicant’s authorization for the Board to seek any information the Board considers necessary and proper to determine the applicant’s qualifications, including a background check by the National Crime Investigation Center.
(e) The supervised experience form must contain:
(1) The name of the applicant;
(2) The name, address, degree, licensure status, and credentials of the applicant’s supervisor;
(3) The name, address of the agency or organization where the experience was gained;
(4) The inclusive dates of direct, on-site, weekly supervision provided to the applicant, including individual and group supervised experiences and the types of supervision used;
(5) The applicant’s employment status during the supervised experience;
(6) The types and total hours of direct, face-to-face clinical services provided to individuals, families or couples;
(7) The supervisor’s evaluation of the applicant’s therapeutic skills and competence for independent or private practice; and
(8) The supervisor’s notarized signature.
(f) An applicant shall have the official transcripts showing all relevant graduate or doctoral work sent directly to the Board.
(g) An applicant shall have references submitted by three persons who can attest to the applicant’s therapy skills and professional standards of practice, and shall include:
(1) One reference from a graduate instructor in a university, college or post degree training setting; and
(2) One reference from a licensed or certified professional in the applicant’s field or any other related mental health field.
(h) The Board may require the applicant to submit a vita, resume, or other relevant documentation of the applicant’s credentials.