Sec. 1. (a) As used in this section, “contract” refers to a contract or guarantee entered into by the state student assistance commission (before its abolishment on July 1, 2012) or by the state student assistance commission (as it existed before the enactment of P.L.128-1990).
(b) After June 30, 2012, a contract entered into by the state student assistance commission (before its abolishment on July 1, 2012) or by the state student assistance commission (as it existed before the enactment of P.L.128-1990) is a contract of the commission for higher education established by IC 21-18-2-1.
(c) The:
(1) amendments made by P.L.128-1990; and
(2) repeal of IC 21-11 and addition of this article by P.L.107-2012;
do not affect the rights, duties, or obligations of the commission for higher education established by IC 21-18-2-1 or a person who before July 1, 2012, had a contract with the state student assistance commission (before its abolishment on July 1, 2012) or with the state student assistance commission (as it existed before the enactment of P.L.128-1990).
(d) A person or the commission for higher education established by IC 21-18-2-1 may enforce a right or compel performance of a duty with respect to a contract as if:
(1) P.L.128-1990; and
(2) the repeal of IC 21-11 and conforming amendments made to IC 21-7 through IC 21-17 by P.L.107-2012;
had not been enacted.
As added by P.L.107-2012, SEC.58. Amended by P.L.13-2013, SEC.59.