Sec. 2. Each state educational institution, in collaboration with the commission for higher education, shall:
(1) not later than December 1, 2012, create and report to the commission for higher education a statewide transfer general education core, to be implemented not later than May 15, 2013. The core must be based upon a set of core competencies, translated into at least thirty (30) semester credit hours in areas agreed upon by the state educational institutions, which apply for credit toward undergraduate degrees, including associate degrees and baccalaureate degrees at all campuses of state educational institutions; and
(2) jointly establish statewide standards for use by all state educational institutions to document an individual’s completion of the statewide transfer general education core on the individual’s transcripts.
[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-17.1-1.]As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.283. Amended by P.L.88-2012, SEC.2.