Sec. 2. (a) Each state educational institution shall adopt a policy to award educational credit to an individual who:
(1) is enrolled in a state educational institution; and
(2) successfully:
(A) completes courses that:
(i) are part of the individual’s military service;
(ii) meet the standards of the American Council on Education, or the council’s successor organization, for awarding academic credit; and
(iii) meet the state educational institution’s role, scope, and mission;
(B) completes:
(i) a College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) exam developed by the College Board and receives a score of fifty (50) or higher;
(ii) a United States Department of Defense’s Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support Program examination; or
(iii) an Excelsior College Examination;
that meets the state educational institution’s role, scope, and mission during the individual’s military service in an active or reserve component of the armed forces of the United States or the Indiana National Guard or upon the individual’s receiving an honorable discharge from the armed forces of the United States or the Indiana National Guard; or
(C) completes courses at a postsecondary educational institution accredited by a regional accrediting agency or association:
(i) during the individual’s military service in an active or reserve component of the armed forces of the United States or the Indiana National Guard or upon the individual’s receiving an honorable discharge from the armed forces of the United States or the Indiana National Guard; and
(ii) that meet the state educational institution’s role, scope, and mission.
(b) The state educational institution’s policy described in subsection (a) must provide that educational credit awarded to an individual under this section applies to the individual’s undergraduate degree requirements if the credit is comparable and applicable, as reasonably determined by the state educational institution, to credit offered by the state educational institution and is necessary for the individual to meet the individual’s undergraduate degree requirements at the state educational institution.
(c) Each state educational institution’s policy described in subsection (a):
(1) shall be reviewed by the commission for higher education and subsequently published on the commission for higher education’s Internet web site; and
(2) shall be published on the state educational institution’s Internet web site.
(d) The amount of educational credits that may be applied to an individual’s degree requirements under subsection (b) may not exceed:
(1) seventy-five percent (75%) of an individual’s degree requirements, as determined by the state educational institution, if the state educational institution in which the individual is enrolled requires the individual to attend in person any course during any part of the student’s enrollment at the state educational institution; or
(2) seventy percent (70%) of an individual’s degree requirements, as determined by the state educational institution, if one hundred percent (100%) of the degree requirements for the degree program is available online by the state educational institution.
As added by P.L.57-2012, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.101-2014, SEC.2.