(a) When a state employee begins his or her employment with an agency, the agency shall notify the state employee that:
(1) The tuition savings program is available; and
(2) The employee may have a regular distribution made to the tuition savings program from his or her salary before the state employee receives his or her payroll deposit or pay check.
(1) Upon request of the state employee, the agency charged with the duty to distribute the state employee’s salary may withhold, by agreement with the state employee, an amount of money from the state employee’s salary each payday for deposit into the employee’s tuition savings program.
(2) The amount withheld from the state employee’s salary shall be designated by the state employee.
(3) The agency that enters an agreement under this subsection shall deposit the money withheld from the state employee’s salary into the state employee’s tuition savings program at the time the state employee’s salary is distributed to the state employee.
(c) An agency that is charged with the duty to distribute the state employee’s salary shall adopt formal policies and guidelines in furtherance of this subchapter.