- The Board shall promulgate regulations establishing ethical standards for the conduct of persons licensed under this chapter and regulations pertaining to treatment for impaired practitioners.
(a) The Board shall conduct its proceedings in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and regulations promulgated under this chapter.
(b) Any person may represent himself before the Board or be represented by an attorney. Every vote and official act of the Board must be entered into the record. All hearings are subject to the provisions of 1 V.I.C. § 254(b) and rule-making proceedings are open to the public.
(c) The Board may require by subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of all pertinent books, papers and documents relating to any matter under investigation. The Board shall issue subpoenas upon application of any party to its proceeding.
(d) Witnesses summoned to appear before the Board must be paid the same fees and mileage as witnesses in the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands. When a subpoenaed witness fails to appear, the Board may apply to the Superior Court for an order requiring the person subpoenaed to appear before the Board to testify and produce books, papers or documents.
(e) One or more Board members or a hearing examiner appointed by the Board shall preside at the hearing.