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The commissioner shall have all powers and duties necessary to secure to the state the benefits of congressional action for the promotion and maintenance of a system of public employment offices. To this end the provisions of the act referred to in the preceding section and such additional congressional action consistent with the above act are accepted by the state and the state pledges its observance and compliance therewith.

The Bureau of Employment Programs, by its commissioner, is designated the agent of this state for the purpose of compliance with the act of Congress entitled "An act to provide for the establishment of a national employment system and for cooperation with states in the promotion of such systems, and for other purposes," approved June 6, 1933, as amended: Provided, That the functions formerly performed by the advisory council under article three of this chapter, which advisory council was required under the provisions of section eleven of the Wagner-Peyser Act, shall be performed by the state job training coordinating council in accordance with section 122 (c) of the Job Training Partnership Act.

The Bureau of Employment Programs, by its commissioner, is designated the agent of this state for the purpose of compliance with the act of Congress entitled "An act to provide for a job training program, and for other purposes," enacted October 18, 1982, as amended.

The Bureau of Employment Programs, by its commissioner, is designated the agent of this state for the purpose of complying with and administering sections sixteen and seventeen of an act of Congress entitled "An act to extend and improve the unemployment compensation program," approved September 1, 1954.

The Bureau of Employment Programs, by its commissioner, is designated the agent of this state for the purpose of complying with and administering an act of Congress entitled "An act to amend Title XV of the Social Security Act to extend the unemployment insurance system to exservicemen, and for other purposes," approved August 28, 1958.

The Bureau of Employment Programs, by its commissioner, is designated the agent of this state for the purpose of complying with and administering an act of Congress entitled "An act relating to manpower requirements, resources, development, and utilization, and for other purposes," approved March 15, 1962.

The Bureau of Employment Programs, by its commissioner, is designated the agent of this state for the purpose of complying with and administering an act of Congress entitled "An act to establish an effective program to alleviate conditions of substantial and persistent unemployment and under employment in certain economically distressed areas," approved May 1, 1961.

The Bureau of Employment Programs, by its commissioner, is designated the agent of this state for the purpose of complying with and administering chapter three of Title III of an act of Congress entitled "An act to promote the general welfare, foreign policy, and security of the United States through international trade agreements and through adjustment assistance to domestic industry, agriculture, and labor, and for other purposes," approved October 11, 1962.

The Bureau of Employment Programs, by its commissioner, is designated the agent of this state for the purpose of complying with and administering an act of Congress entitled "An act to provide for the establishment of a temporary program of extended unemployment compensation, to provide for a temporary increase in the rate of the federal unemployment tax, and for other purposes," approved January 3, 1961.

The Bureau of Employment Programs, by its commissioner, is also designated the agent of this state for the purpose of complying with and administering other programs of the United States government such as the foregoing.

The commissioner of the Bureau of Employment Programs is designated as the officer of this state for the purpose of complying with and administering the tasks assigned to the Bureau of Employment Programs pursuant to section six, article two-b, chapter eighteen of this code relating to the area vocational educational program of this state.

The commissioner is also authorized to apply for an advance to the unemployment compensation fund in accordance with the conditions specified in Title XII of the "Social Security Act," as amended, in order to secure to this state and its citizens the advantages available under the provisions of that title.

In the administration of this chapter the commissioner shall cooperate with the United States department of labor to the fullest extent consistent with the provisions of this chapter, and shall take such action through the adoption of appropriate rules, regulations, administrative methods and standards, as may be necessary to secure to this state and its citizens all advantages available under the provisions of the "Social Security Act" which relate to unemployment compensation, the "Federal Unemployment Tax Act," the "Wagner-Peyser Act," and the "Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970."

In the administration of the provisions in article six-a of this chapter, which are enacted to conform with the requirements of the "Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970," the commissioner shall take such action as may be necessary (i) to ensure that the provisions are so interpreted and applied as to meet the requirements of such federal act, and (ii) to secure this state the full reimbursement of the federal share of extended and regular benefits paid under this chapter which are reimbursable under said federal act.