§3769-G. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block grant; whole family economic security initiatives
1. Use of block grant funds. In fiscal year 2020-21 and annually thereafter, the department shall provide up to $2,000,000 in funds provided under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block grant to community action agencies designated pursuant to section 5324 or other community-based organizations the department finds qualified pursuant to subsection 3 to assist parents with children as the parents pursue stable employment or education intended to lead to employment. The block grant funds must be used to administer services to families with children with income less than 200% of the nonfarm income official poverty line.
[PL 2019, c. 484, §4 (NEW).]2. Required services. Services provided by a community-based organization the department finds qualified pursuant to subsection 3 must include education, including, but not limited to, assisting family members to acquire postsecondary degrees or other credentials, and the provision of health, social and economic support.
[PL 2019, c. 484, §4 (NEW).]3. Qualifications. In order to be qualified under this section, a community action agency designated pursuant to section 5324 or a community-based organization must demonstrate to the department that it has the resources and capacity to implement evidence‑based practices to provide the services required under this section. The department shall annually review contracts awarded under this section on the basis of tangible performance measures; participant satisfaction and well‑being; and fiscal and administrative accountability.
[PL 2019, c. 484, §4 (NEW).]4. Rules. The department shall adopt rules to implement this section. Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2‑A.
[PL 2019, c. 484, §4 (NEW).]SECTION HISTORY
PL 2019, c. 484, §4 (NEW).