Except in cases of extreme necessity and great urgency, the right of eminent domain cannot be exercised without first providing for just compensation to the owner for the interference with his exclusive rights.
History. Orig. Code 1863, § 2204; Code 1868, § 2199; Code 1873, § 2225; Code 1882, § 2225; Civil Code 1895, § 3055; Civil Code 1910, § 3627; Code 1933, § 36-104.
Cross references.
Private ways, Ga. Const. 1983, Art. I, Sec. III, Para. II. Specific powers of General Assembly, Ga. Const. 1983, Art. III, Sec. VI, Para. II.
Law reviews.
For comment on DeKalb County v. Trustees, Decatur Lodge No. 1602, 242 Ga. 707 , 251 S.E.2d 243 (1978), see 31 Mercer L. Rev. 367 (1979).