Unless the context in which used clearly requires a different meaning, as used in this article:
(a) "Agency action" means the issuance, renewal or denial of any permit, license or other required agency approval, or any terms or conditions thereof, or any order or other directive issued by the Division of Environmental Protection, bureau of public health, Department of Agriculture or any other agency of the state or a political subdivision to the extent that such action relates directly to the implementation, administration or enforcement of this article.
(b) "Beneficial uses" means those uses which are protective of human health and welfare and the environment. Pollution of groundwater is not considered a beneficial use.
(c) "Board" means the state water resources environmental quality board.
(d) "Constituent" means any chemical or biological substance found in groundwater due to either natural or man-made conditions.
(e) "Director" means the director of the Division of Environmental Protection or such other person to whom the director has delegated authority or duties pursuant to sections six or eight, article one of this chapter.
(f) "Groundwater" means the water occurring in the zone of saturation beneath the seasonal high water table, or any perched water zones.
(g) "Groundwater certification" means an assurance issued by the director of the Division of Environmental Protection that a permit or other approval issued by a state, county or local government body regarding an activity that affects or is reasonably anticipated to affect groundwater complies with all requirements of this chapter, the legislative rules promulgated pursuant to this chapter in accordance with chapter twenty-nine-a of this code and any other requirements of state law, rules or agreements regarding groundwater.
(h) "Person" means any industrial user, public or private corporation, institution, association, firm or company organized or existing under the laws of this or any other state or country; state of West Virginia; governmental agency, including federal facilities; political subdivision; county commission; municipal corporation; industry; sanitary district; public service district; soil conservation district; watershed improvement district; partnership; trust; estate; person or individual; group of persons or individuals acting individually or as a group; or any legal entity whatever.
(i) "Pollution" means the man-made or man-induced alteration of the chemical, physical, biological or radiological integrity of the groundwater.
(j) "Preventative action limit" means a numerical value expressing the concentration of a substance in groundwater that, if exceeded, causes action to be taken to assure that standards of purity and quality of groundwater are not violated.
(k) "Water" means any and all water on or beneath the surface of the ground, whether percolating, standing, diffused or flowing, wholly or partially within this state, or bordering this state and within its jurisdiction, and includes without limiting the generality of the foregoing, natural or artificial lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, branches, brooks, ponds (except farm ponds, industrial settling basins and ponds and water treatment facilities), impounding reservoirs, springs, wells, watercourses and wetlands.