US Lawyer Database

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Before the issuing of a permit to any person with respect to any facility for the treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous waste under sections seven or eight of this article, the director or other permit issuing authority shall:

(a) Cause to be published as a Class I-0 legal advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation, and the publication area is the county wherein the real estate or greater portion thereof is situate, and broadcast over local radio stations notice of the director's or other permit issuing authority's intention to issue such permit; and

(b) Transmit written notice of the director's or other permit issuing authority's intention to issue such permit to each unit of local government having jurisdiction over the area in which such facility is proposed to be located and to each state agency having any authority under state law with respect to the construction or operation of such facility.

If within forty-five days the director or other permit issuing authority receives written notice of opposition to the director's or other permit issuing authority's intention to issue such permit and a request for a hearing, or if the director or other permit issuing authority determines on his or her own initiative, to have a hearing he or she shall hold an informal public hearing (including an opportunity for presentation of written and oral views) on whether he or she should issue a permit for the proposed facility. Whenever possible the director or other permit issuing authority shall schedule such hearing at a location convenient to the nearest population center to such proposed facility and give notice in the aforementioned manner of the date, time and subject matter of such hearing.