Sec. 3. (a) All deductions made before July 1, 1988, by an employer from the wages of an employee, at the request of the employee, or without the objection of the employee, provided the amount so deducted was either retained by the employer and credited upon an indebtedness owing to the employer by the employee, or paid by the employer in accordance with the request of the employee, or without the employee’s objection, are hereby legalized, and no action shall be brought or maintained against the employer to recover from the employer the amount so retained or paid.
(b) All deductions made before the effective date of this subsection, as added by SEA 99-2019, by an employer from the wages of an employee for the rental of uniforms, shirts, pants, or other job-related clothing, pursuant to an agreement that meets the requirements of section 2(a)(1) and 2(a)(2) of this chapter, provided the amount so deducted was either:
(1) retained by the employer and credited upon an indebtedness owing to the employer by the employee; or
(2) paid by the employer;
are hereby legalized, and no action shall be brought or maintained against the employer to recover from the employer the amount so retained or paid.
Formerly: Acts 1945, c.183, s.4. As amended by P.L.143-1988, SEC.4; P.L.147-2019, SEC.2.