(a) For all new permits issued after the effective date of this section, at least thirty days prior to commencing blasting, an operator or an operator's designee shall make the following notifications in writing to all owners and occupants of protected structures that the operator or operator's designee will perform preblast surveys in accordance with subsection (f) of this section. The required notifications shall be to all owners and occupants of protected structures within one thousand five hundred feet of the blasting area.
(b) For quarries in operation as of the effective date of this section, the quarry operator within one year, shall conduct a preblast survey of the first protected structure within one thousand feet of the blasting area. Any property owner may, at their own expense, pay for a preblast survey meeting the provisions of this article, for his or her protected structure to assess the impact of future blasts to those dwellings or structures by an existing quarry.
(c) An occupant or owner of a man-made dwelling or structure within the areas described in subsection (a) of this section, may waive the right to a preblast survey in writing. If a dwelling is occupied by a person other than the owner, both the owner and the occupant must waive the right to a preblast survey in writing. If an occupant or owner of a man-made dwelling or structure refuses to allow the operator or the operator's designee access to the protected structure and refuses to waive in writing the right to a preblast survey or to the extent that access to any portion of the structure, underground water supply or well is impossible or impractical under the circumstances, the preblast survey shall indicate that access was refused, impossible or impractical. The operator or the operator's designee shall execute a sworn affidavit explaining the reasons and circumstances surrounding the refusals.
(d) If a preblast survey was waived by the owner and was within the requisite area and the property is sold, the new owner may request a preblast survey from the operator.
(e) An owner within the requisite area may request, from the operator, a preblast survey on structures constructed after the original preblast survey.
(f) The preblast survey shall include:
(1) The names, addresses or description of structure location and telephone numbers of the owner and the residents of the structure being surveyed and the structure number from the permit blasting map;