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Each permit issued by the director pursuant to this article shall require the quarry operation, at a minimum, to meet the following performance standards:

(a) The operator shall impound, drain or treat all runoff water so as to reduce soil erosion, damage to agricultural lands and prevent unlawful pollution of streams and other waters. The director shall require as a condition of a new permit, groundwater testing prior to and during quarrying. Tests shall be for both quantity and quality of surrounding groundwaters. Groundwater test sites above and below gradient of the proposed quarry shall be established prior to quarrying to establish a six months baseline for area groundwater. Test wells, seeps and springs may be utilized as is appropriate. Monthly testing shall be done prior to the beginning of quarrying, and quarterly monitoring the first year of quarrying. Annual testing is to be done for an additional four years. If no adverse impact to groundwater is discovered, no further monitoring will be required. However, upon subsequent discovery of possible adverse impact, the director may require monthly monitoring and appropriate remedial actions to be done by the permittee.

(b) In the case of storm water accumulations or any breakthrough of water, adequate treatment shall be undertaken by the operator so as to prevent pollution occurring from the release of water. Treatment may include check-dams, settling ponds and chemical or physical treatment. In the case of a breakthrough of water, when it is possible, the water released shall be impounded immediately. All water so impounded shall receive adequate treatment by the operator before it is released into the natural drainway.

(c) Water leaving the permit area is subject to the requirements of article eleven of this chapter.

(d) The permittee shall place a monument as prescribed by the division in an approved location near the operation. If a quarry operation is under a single permit and is not geographically continuous, the permittee shall locate additional monuments and submit additional maps, as required by section five of this article, before mining other permitted areas.

(e) The operator shall remove or properly dispose of all metal, equipment and other refuse resulting from the operation. No permittee may engage in or allow, the throwing, dumping, piling or otherwise placing of any overburden, stones, rocks, coal, mineral, earth, soil, dirt, debris, trees, wood, logs or other materials or substances of any kind or nature beyond or outside the area of land which is under permit for which bond has been posted, unless it is placed on a site which has a permit allowing that activity, nor may any operator place any of the foregoing listed materials in a way that normal erosion or slides brought about by natural physical causes will permit the same to go beyond or outside the area of land which is under permit and for which bond has been posted.

(f) Prior to beginning quarrying operations, the operator shall install, certify, and maintain a drainage system in accordance with the approved drainage control plan. Lateral drainage ditches connecting to natural or man-made waterways shall be constructed to control water runoff, prevent erosion and provide adequate drainage control. The depth and width of natural drainage ditches and any other diversion ditches may vary depending on the length and degree of slope.

(g) When the planting of an area has been completed and full or partial bond release is requested the operator shall file a planting report with the director on a form to be prescribed and furnished by the director providing the following information:

(1) Identification of the operation;