Sec. 12. The following apply to a PEO that elects to use the client level reporting method:
(1) Whenever the PEO enters into a professional employer agreement with a client, the PEO shall notify the department not later than fifteen (15) days after the end of the quarter in which the professional employer agreement became effective.
(2) If a client is an employing unit on the date the professional employer agreement becomes effective, the client retains its experience balance, liabilities, and wage credits, and IC 22-4-10-6 does not apply to the client.
(3) If a client is not an employing unit on the date the professional employer agreement becomes effective, the client immediately qualifies for an employer experience account under IC 22-4-7-2(f) and is subject to IC 22-4-11-2(b)(2) for purposes of establishing an initial contribution rate.
(4) A client is associated with the PEO’s employer experience account by means of the PEO’s primary federal employer identification number (FEIN) for purposes of liability under this article and federal certification.
(5) Upon the termination of a professional employer agreement between the PEO and a client:
(A) the client retains the experience balance, liabilities, and wage credits for the client’s employing unit account;
(B) the client’s federal employer identification number (FEIN) becomes the primary FEIN on the employing unit’s account; and
(C) the PEO’s FEIN is not associated with the client’s employing unit account after the date:
(i) all outstanding reports are submitted; and
(ii) all outstanding liabilities are paid in full.
As added by P.L.33-2013, SEC.1.